What's essential about the essentials?

And why do we call them the essentials?

Web Domain Registration: Your own web domain is vital. It helps build your brand and easily identify you to others. Your clients and prospects will instinctively type your business/organization name when looking it up on-line. When clients/prospects do look you up on-line, having your domain directs traffic to where it should go, you first. If you do not have a domain name, it will go to others sites, or worse, competitors who do have domain names. Register your domain, no matter what line of business or what kind of organization you run.

SSL Certificate: A (Secure Socket Layer) SSL Certificate encrypts and stores essential, sensitive data that is exchanged between a web host and visitor. For example, if a user types personal data, credit card information, or personal details, this needs to be protected. For e-commerce or anything personal, an SSL certificate is a requirement, not an ‘optional’. A site without an SSL certficate is vulnerable, which is why Econet gets you secure out of the gate.

Mobile Ready and Responsive: At this time in 2017, half of all websites are accessed via mobile devices, be it a smartphone, tablet, watch or otherwise. This percentage will only increase as mobile devices continue to gain marketshare (and they do). The idea of using a desktop computer or a laptop to access emails, social media accounts, or websites is no longer convenient for most users. Users always have mobile devices on-hand and chances are better than average they will use it to visit your site. Your website better look good on mobile when they do look you up!

SEO Stimulus: Search Engine Optimization is how clients/prospects/members connect to your site. Even if they know the name of your business, users are likelier to type your business name in a search engine than the exact URL on a navigation bar. SEO helps make the connection to top results happen faster and at the top rank, routed directly to you. If you are a hair salon owner and someone wants to reach out for an appointment and they type ‘hair salon, downtown Toronto’ and you do not have SEO, guess what? Your competitors will. To that end, all Econonet clients get an SEO stimulus package to get your site higher on search returns.

Email @ Your Domain: Look at the first point, why domain registration. It is more professional to have your e-mail at your own domain name versus a hot, g, or Yahoo! Mail. It certainly helps clients/prospects remember your email address all the more and make the connection. mario @ mariopizza, sticks in mind a lot better than anything else. Your email at your domain is polished, great for branding, and sticks in prospects’ minds.

Comprehensive support: Issues occur, technical or otherwise. Maybe there is something you do not understand, or are confused, or sometimes things do not seem to work. At Econonet, you are not alone and a trained professional will help you with your domain purchase and site development. If you just need something explained or clarified, we are there for that too. Why else do we have immediate chat support when you visit us? We know that being there for your website and keeping it running is Essential!

Other hosting providers see Essentials as frills and add-ons, but we know Essentials are just that! That’s why Essentials are Essential at Econonet!